Ancient Hertz Tuning HOAX

Official 432 Preservation Pitch

One of the more popular clickbait frequency hoaxes that flooded the internet is the deliberate deception that there was an ancient tuning standard based on certain Hertz frequencies.

In the ancient past, there was no such thing as Hertz frequencies. The term Hertz is used as a modern descriptor to mean cycles per second, named after H. Hertz who lived in modern times 1857-1894.
More on the modern history of Hertz frequency CLICK HERE

What is currently obfuscated by agenda based clickbait merchants who make money from clickbait fictional Ancient Hertz Tuning stories, is the fact that the length of how we measure a second is an arbitrary modern man made invention and could never have been measured as actual Hertz values in ancient times.
The illogical claim that modern Hertz frequency values existed in ancient times is comparable to claiming that a 747 Jet plane existed 2000 years before the invention of man-made flight by the Wright brothers in 1903 CLICK HERE

In the Ancient world, simple mathematical formulas were used to describe harmonic ratio relationships NOT Hertz frequencies. As the sensation of pitch is relative as a qualitative experience within the brain, credible musicologists such as Ernst McCain and Leon Crickmore wrote many papers on the subject of ancient tuning and harmonic ratio. They also published that ancient peoples could not have known how to measure modern Hertz frequencies.

Here is a screenshot from a credible academic paper by Leon Crickmore on Egyptian fractions and the use of ancient harmonic ratios on this very subject….

You can read Leon’s brilliant work on ancient use of harmonic ratios and fractions on the Academia website published in 2010. CLICK HERE

The peddlers of Ancient Hertz Tuning myths still refuse to remedy their mistakes of pseudo-scientific half truth opinions and publish true scientific and factual musical history.
The refusal of these sensation seller publishers to print the factual truth of proper third party credible academic and legitimate musicology research, proves and concludes both lawfully and legally that any published story of Hertz frequencies being claimed to have been known or used in ancient times is a deliberate consumer fraud HOAX to distract, divide, confuse and mislead the general public into clickbait media persuasion for the purposes of subscriber acquisition to sell third party products and services.

The internet is flooded with many frequency clickbait grifter scams. Most of the modern internet myths are a form of clickbait frequency snake-oil by grifters or those strategies have been used by neo-marxists to destroy musical pedagogy and musical culture.

When it comes to musicology and history, I will always side with credible fact and innovative research on the subject. That’s the reason why over the last 15 years, I have personally been attacked with ad hominem disparagements by grifters and those with a political axe to grind. This very website was hacked and altered and my reputation, music sales and career damaged by nefarious promoters who back the larger synarchist agenda of these online clickbait frequency scams.

The general public likes a tall tale of mystery and intrigue and there are many drama merchants and con artists who make a lucrative online living leveraging human curiosity through the use of pseudo-scientific jargon, conspiracy theories, new age cabalistic woo, magical frequencies channeled by angels/demons, word-salad media persuasion and sleight of hand math-swagger numerology reduction known as Gematria. I go into detail about the age old scam of the math swagger con called Gematria on this website.

Drama merchants and grifters use persuasive media sensation selling through the use of neo-marxist subversion / manipulation strategies such as doxing, astro-turfing, gaslighting, grooming, honey-trapping, inversion and projection to create a ‘good cop’ ‘bad cop’ scenario to draw gullible subscribers into siding with their pseudo opinion and curated half-truth agendas.

A false flag and misleading 432Hz movement was created by infiltrators who created a marxist-like propaganda strategy to mislead the public from looking at legitimate new innovation into biological frequencies that may help the natural healing process.

Part of that psy-op promotes that 432 Hz was an ancient music tuning standard or that the nazis subjugated 432Hz in favour of the standard 440Hz tuning. That false flag employs the use of joining religious and secular beliefs to number metrics and sound frequencies. Another division of the synarchy frequency false flag is the enjoining of A4=432 HZ to A4=444 Hz.
There are many fake news websites and publishers who are flat out lying to the general public about incorporating the use of A4=432 Hz onto A4=444 Hz.

You cannot have two different music pitch registers both tuned to Concert “A4” pitch simultaneously tuned to frequency A4=432 HZ and A4=444 Hz at the same time. Both would cause inharmonic chaos as they try to fight to occupy the same vibrational space and time. Electronic musical instruments cannot be set to two different tuning pitch centers of A4 at the same time. Whoever makes the published claim that A4 432Hz is harmonic connected to A4 444Hz is a willful manipulator and agent of chaos.
Adding A4=432Hz to A4=444Hz creates dissonant inharmonics NOT consonant harmonics used in music scales. You, the reader can educate yourself on the difference between Harmonics & Inharmonics. CLICK HERE

The war on music pedagogy and tonal harmony by synarchy agents of chaos incorporates the marxist strategy of inversion and subversion by projecting the very traits of their actions onto their intended targets or competitors.

This strategy originated in the Marxist manifesto of mind control inversion and projection undertaken by the bolsheviks who then murdered tens of millions of white Christians in Russia in the early years of the 20th century.
One of the greatest sleight of hands which is used by modern synarchists, marxists, occultists, clickbait scammers and new agers to dazzle and persuade audiences, is the use of rhetoric which is the art of saying one thing but meaning another.
The act of joining beliefs to number metrics is called correlation without causation. It is not scientific and it is a manipulation of data to promote propaganda, belief and ideology usually though the deception of word-salad & math swagger. Gematria is a scam used by synarchists, marxists, new agers and grifters.

The complex topic of calibration of the modern second is beyond the scope of the average person to understand. For many years in private, I talked to people that we are facing a serious problem of how we calibrate measurement using the made up arbitrary second as a system of measuring sound.

Whenever the commercial science establishment changes the arbitrary length of the second, it causes a slight change in the calibration of how we previously measured a phenomenon. Although the number as a quantitative metric remains the same, the qualitative difference in length changes the calibration point of phenomena measured under older data sets meaning old.

This is the true reason why I have been a strong voice against using rife frequencies that were recorded under a different length in the early 20th century compared to the modern calibration of the second we have today.

Another reason lost in translation as it is not taught to students in music school, is the innovative research on the topic of coherence and decoherence in Eigen frequency measurements and how they impact biological life. This is a topic I will talk about as I rebuild this very website that was hacked and altered since I first published it in 2008.

In conclusion, the popular internet myth of alleged ancient Hertz based tuning frequencies is nothing more that a complicated sleight of hand consumer fraud and deliberate clickbait marketing scam perpetrated by grifters, neo-marxists and con-artists.