This website is the exclusive origin of the word of mouth Official 432 Preservation Pitch Campaign campaign started in 1991 in North America by me, Brian T Collins.
(Not the controlled opposition 432 Hz online new age movement started in Europe)
This site is dedicated to establishing a separate new lower frequency tuning pitch standard intended for the preservation of historical antique instruments and the harmonic translation of beneficial low pitch based frequencies intended for the practical use and application of mindful music production, sound wellness, life coaching, eurythmy, Conscious Listening™ and music related holistic therapies.
According to physics of string tension, long term exposure to the pressure strain of higher tunings can warp or damage delicate wooden historical antique instruments made from older organic glues.
Because of that fact, there should be a separate lower pitch preservation standard that would allow for such delicate instruments to be preserved over a longer time period.
Although other lower tunings can be picked due to the arbitrary and abstract nature of man made math & measurement, 432 Hz would still be close enough to the de facto A=440 Hz entertainment standard for a mixture of newer synthetic instruments & historical instruments.
Although we can go a little lower in concert ‘A’ pitch, A=432 Hz sits on the warm cusp of tonal sensation that will still allow enough brightness to satisfy the intellectual cerebral ego regardless of temperament, whilst preserving both instrument and vocalist in a natural bel canto transition to allow a warmer feeling sensation of tone!
Does this make sense?
If we have historical instruments under threat of damage from increased tension, we should enshrine a separate preservation pitch that seeks to save our historical instruments, instead of destroying them by acquiescing to the conformist status quo of institutionalized entrainment.
What is 432 Hz?
In general terms, we measure frequency as beats or cycles per second. We use the modern invented term called HERTZ for how many rhythmic beats can cycle in the given time period of an arbitrary man-made second. So 432 Hz pulses at 432 times per second.
Current de facto standard entertainment music tuning you hear in everyday life in the commercial entertainment music industry is set to an equal tempered standard of 440 Hz. [De facto means by force of majority in practice but not necessarily ordained by law]
Despite petitions against a standard of 440 Hz in June 1950 in France, it was passed by de facto practice in 1955. Although 440 Hz ET is fine for the music industry and for enjoyment of playing, the vision and philosophy of the Official 432 Preservation Pitch Campaign is to create a separate tuning standard for the increased efficacy of sensitive Conscious Listening™ for music related therapies based on personal innovative private research and third party research into coherent Eigen frequency correlations to beneficial frequencies for biological life.

We use the A (In red) note as a pitch reference for tuning musical instruments, so when we use terms like A432 Hz or A440 Hz, it means the pitch of the A note above middle C on the piano, is tuned to A=432 Hz or A=440 Hz.
When did the first 432 Hz campaign awareness begin?
It was Rudoph Steiner who first mentioned 432Hz in his 1920’s lecture in Torquey England that 432Hz was considered the metaphysical sun tone. In the late 1980’s (1987-88) professional musicians, opera singers and composers were calling for a lowering of concert pitch to preserve the bel canto transition of the human voice and conserve historical instruments that can be damaged at higher tunings due to their delicate construction.
The political think tank Schiller institute then picked up on the idea and PUBLISHED on April 9th 1988 calling for a revolution of pitch within entertainment music and bel canto voice range.
That campaign was short lived and somewhat conspiratorial. [Revolutions never last] However the conference did reveal interesting test results from Cremona on historical instruments made with organic glues and complex antique lacquers. They concluded that antique instruments cannot withstand long-term conservation under the raising of pitch pressure tension that higher entertainment tunings demand!
It seems logical and prudent for the sake of musical culture preservation to have a separate lower standard that relieves the pressure on all older wooden instruments made from antique organic glues and lacquers.
Therefor by these presents that:
Under the Official 432 Preservation Pitch Campaign published exclusively on this website, A=432 Hz is not intended or endorsed to fully replace A=440 Hz or any other tuning pitch of individual choice for music or sound related coaching or therapy.
Instead, the lawful and ethical intent of my vision is to seek a separate tuning pitch standard away from the de facto establishment A=440 Hz and A=444 Hz commercial entertainment tunings, so we can preserve delicate historical instruments and sustain a rich musical past of instruments; that should not be ripped to shreds for wanting to meet the demand of brighter tunings under increased tension. This would also allow for an increase of efficacy on sensitivity on both performer and listener during performance due to the physics of the ear. The musical cult obsession of raising concert pitch for bright tone “illumination” is destroying the art of human interaction through the new age kabbalah Luciferian ego ideology.
Here is a RESEARCH ARTICLE published in 2006 that reports on how lower pitch frequency creates higher sensitivity in nerve signals due to the spiral shape of the ear.
Music groups who have performed live with 432 Hz have reported a qualitative calmer experience and bonded connection between listener, audience and artist environment because of the ears natural ability to enhance low frequency due to its spiral shape.
Lower pitch creates a qualitative sensitive awareness of perception and a safe harbour to also release stress and tension from an insensitive modern world that seeks to destroy, invert and censor the individuals experience of creative expression and holistic integration with trusted community and nature.
Please take special PUBLIC NOTICE that the Official 432 Preservation Pitch Campaign started by me, Brian T Collins in 1991 then published later on this website from 2008 onwards, are not affiliated with any other 432 Hz individual, publisher, group or tuning pitch movement.
I Brian T Collins do not support the views of any other third party 432 Hz claims or pseudo science. Please also note I do not condemn the use of 440 Hz entertainment tunings as other proponents of 432 Hz and 444 Hz do.
I do not subscribe to conspiracy, new age woo, ideology or the sensation selling pseudo science of others.
Due to hacking and plagiarism by persons, biased social media influencers new agers, trollers of controlled opposition and radical conspiracy theorists, I do not share private intellectual property of frequency research in the public portal of the website.
Please note that a polemic cult of controlled opposition has damaged my reputation and credibility because of my involvement with innovative alternative energy research. I was targeted since 2006 due to my research and worldview that upsets the applecart of grifters, competitors and commercial science control.
I am a strong advocate for natural law, ancient and indigenous medicines, regenerative agriculture and ethical innovation.
NOTICE OF LIABILITY All persons, publishers, content creators, social media influencers, corporations or news reporters do not have permission to copy, alter or republish any information from this website without expressed written permission from the Author Brian T Collins. Any person or publisher or content creator or social media influencer or corporation or news reporter or webmaster who violates this expressed notice of liability agrees to be held liable in a court of law under full commercial liability and penalty of perjury that the man who goes by Brian T Collins is entitled to commercial compensation as remedy at law ab initio.
2008-2025©Brian T Collins. All Rights Reserved ab initio