Number Reduction Gematria Hoax!

Official 432 Preservation Pitch

As I have amassed a great deal of knowledge about esoteric matters over a forty year period, I can say with true certainty that the modern use of Gematria as a legitimate research tool is seriously flawed because it is a form of rhetorical pseudo science. Gematria is leveraged by synarchists, freemasons, cabalists, sorcerers, new agers, modern marxists, gnostic occultists, conspiracy theorists and con artists to trick peoples constructive mind into believing that Gematria number reduction rhetoric is a substitute for valid scientific research methods.

It’s human nature to look for patterns and hidden meaning in things, so religious cults, new age cults, occult fraternities like freemasonry and media persuasion con artists sought to leverage the mind spell of gematria as mystical means of subjective divine interpretation.
Unfortunately the general public unaware of the con, fall into the mind trap of number annexed to ideology. Numerology used in astrology leverages the collective belief that the sky is divided into 12 zodiacs. It’s arbitrary and abstract.

Gematria is a form of sleight of hand black magic number sorcery used by drama merchants as some type of mystical science. Once you change the metric of an original data set to bend it to your ideology, you alter the the outcome as a form of media persuasion. Gematria is used in many half truth arguments as a substitute for factual legitimate science. Rhetoric is a form of word spell language sorcery of saying one thing, but meaning another. Rhetoric is the main weapon of media persuasion and weaponized world-salad propaganda.

The rhetoric of modern Gematria is corrupted due to mistranslations, omissions and additions. For example the letter “J” was added to english in the 16th century. This alone would have altered the number-sets of english Gematria used in modern times. Here is a credible news source here explaining the addition of the letter J which not only altered the original forms of English gematria but also Hebrew translations.
Today, modern Gematria mixed with media persuasion word salad is offered up as some type of quasi-proof of claim that ties harmonics and inharmonics to ideology. Anyone who changes the original metric of a frequency data set to alter and bend truth into a half truth agenda is in fact, a trickster and con artist.

Gematria is a common tool used by sensation seller conspiracy theorists, clickbait scammers and new agers to tie modern frequency metrics to alleged occulted mystical numbers. Its all made up in the mind!

An excellent TED talk video below, deals with how the origin of most conspiracy theories is formed under the self induced delusion of seeking validation of an ideology using number reduction.
This is called Ramsey theory and it is leveraged by the peddlers of the psy-op war against valid academic frequency fact and innovative research. Changing a data set to fit your belief system is an act of fraud. Promoting sleight of hand rhetoric as fact whilst obfuscating true data to making money from the public is called consumer fraud.

Anyone peddling Gematria number reduction as a form of bending modern man made Hertz frequencies to ancient historical harmonic integer ratio as a form of pseudo scientific proof, is in fact a purveyor of lies and a con artist.
Gematria is sorcery and trickery. It is a black magic abomination of true natural science.

Regardless of opinion based claims, those engaged with number reduction gematria as so called proof of scientific or musical claim, are spiritually dishonest and that will catch up with those who willfully mislead the public with the ancient snake oil con known as Gematria. Of course those who engage in this con for a living as some sort of mystical divination will be upset at me or disparage me for exposing the larger collective fraud that they invest their time, money and belief in.
Only members of cults take such aggressive actions to defend the beliefs of the cult when presented with factual information that challenges their worldview. Those who do disparage me in public for revealing this higher knowledge enjoin themselves to legal dishonour and immoral action.

The conclusion is that any person engaging in Gematria as alleged proof of claim regarding sound healing or musical claims of ancient mysticism is largely uneducated and wholesale ignorant to the facts of sound physics of harmonic science. Gematria is the ancient art of math swagger, a tool of deception used by modern grifters and con-artists to sound smarter than they actually are.

©Brian T Collins