Ingrid writes:
I was introduced to your music through Wayne Wai-ling and I used it for my healing practice.
The music was lovely! 🙂 My client loved it , she felt it very strong. I felt that it enhanced my healing , and helped me recieve information and ” focus my ray”…Thanks! 🙂IngridFrasser writes:
I was sent your track & was told to listen to it when I was not busy and could relax. Unfortunately the first time I tried to rush into it, did not relax because I was thinking of things to do and did not do it justice…
However, the next time I listened was a completely different story & to say I was blown away is an understatement.I felt my whole body being transported off to a far off place. I saw myself travelling through various different landscapes and even world’s! My whole body was at one with nature and in fact I actually cried. That’s how powerful your music is and I will never forget that first time.When I am doing a one to one session, all I have to do is think of a few bars of your music composition and I’m back in the ‘zone’ & able to get right back on track.Since then I’ve let my girlfriend Lina listen to it and she has had a similar amazing experiences & will often listen when she wants to meditate.I’ve even made my soon to be 17 year old son listen to calm him down – he has ADHD and other related conditions. The other weekend when he was at a really bad state, I frog marched him into our spare room & made him listen to two of your tracks. The transformation in him was amazing! He was so relaxed afterwards it was incredible – he came out with some amazing statements which he said he’d got ideas about whilst listening to the music. he’s even asked me if I have any more music he can listen to which until now I didn’tI cannot thank you enough for the transformation In all our lives and I hope one day we will meet and I can thank you personally.
Bobby writes:
This album is well worth the money. There is something special about music mastered in 432hz and Brian certainly knows what he’s doing. One of the first times I listened to this album it induced a state of ecstasy like no other. I was literally dumfounded in awe!!!
-Bobby Burke
Larissa writes:
Sharing information about music played at the Concert Pitch A=432Hz is something I care for because I can feel the difference, and the love in it, just by listening. Somehow, it resonates with my heart. I also noticed how my plants grow better and my cats get quieter! Especially your music Brian, seems to re-tune me when I’m out of balance, while its melody cuddles my soul… It’s actually helping me to reconnect to my higher self and find peace. I think that I feel the music in a special way… I only play a little guitar, and my daughter plays the harp, both tuned in A/La=432Hz… And I love to sing along songs. I really appreciate your work!! Thank You!! Harmonic vibes from Switzerland! -Larissa Cantoni
Christian writes:
Thanks for your selfless devotion. thanks sooooooo much.. i discovered 432 thanks to you. know that you’ve changed my life, probably so so so many others as well as equally grateful for you. thanks for doing what is integral and striving for harmony, God knows we need it. thanks for providing us with the tools to create this harmony for us musicians -Christian Suarez
J.U. writes:
I occasionally have show-stopping migraines that render me useless for the remainder of the day. Well, I had one last night and I was blown away by what happened when I listened to your music as the pain was beginning to set in. After about 15 minutes of simply enjoying the sounds I was hearing, the throbbing pain faded into the background and I slept very peacefully last night. I’ve tried many things and nothing else has been able to ease the pain during these episodes. Thank you, Brian and Stellar -J.U.
Karen writes:
I turned out the lights to listen to this, only the fire was lit….oh my, absolutely heart thumping and breathtaking. Love it. xxx Karen Young
MIhai George Corui writes:
wonderful music, just so peaceful
Mihayah writes:
Namaste and Hello Thank you for sharing ur gift of music ! it speaks to my soul happy new year ! Mihayah Arcturus
Elena writes:
I’m so glad to hear from you and also from Coreen and to know that other people in Greece are interested at 432 I really believe in the healing power of sound and music and i experiment…
thank you so much for your response and your help…!
wish you love and light -elena
Walter writes:
Thank you for putting together such an informative website. I am a 432Hz user, have been for some time now. Thank you for any advice you may have..
Walter USA
Tony writes:
Hello, I am a musician who lives in Yorkshire.Last night my guitarist told me about 432 hz. He works with autistic kids making music and one of them was talking about music always being out of phase and sounding wrong and then mentioned the ‘true’ concert pitch.OH MY GOD.We had one of the best rehearsals we have ever had, it was sweeter, more relaxing, chewier somehow. For years I have felt something was not ok. I’m not saying I’ve got ‘perfect pitch’ or autistic for that matter, I’ve often simply felt things sound weird when other people may not and I am often dissatisfied.We now
need guitar tuners that allow us to vary the pitch to 432Hz.
Best resonating wishes -Tony Lambert, Harrogate, England
Linda writes:
Hi Brian It’s Linda, I was at the same booth as Moz and Gino at the Total Health Show. I bought your CD from Gino, listened to it this morning……..and WOW….it touched something deep inside me…..I felt a huge energy shift and a wave of emotion, I was moved to tears! You music is beautiful! Later in the day I meditated to it….and you’re right, I was connected to Divine Frequency!
I would have enjoyed continuing our the conversation we started on Saturday! Maybe at some point we can continue our conversation?? Thank you for your Frequency of Light! -Linda Zselenak Focal Point Vibrational Radiesthesia (Egyptian Energy Balancing)
Anonymous writes:
Hi, Brian! I want to tell you that I saw your web site, and listened to your music of the first album “Frequency of Light” and some music of your other two albums, – “Spiral of Now” and “Awakenings”
I really liked your music!!!
When I listened to your music, I felt a different feeling: sometimes I cried, sometimes I forgot about everything and relaxed, and some tunes, made me think about many things in this life ..
I also looked through the video where you play “Over the rainbow” on a ship in a hurricane.
Do you really played late one night on a ship during a hurricane?
This is very strange, because in your face not visible, that at the time was a hurricane.
You’re an amazing person!
Cynthia Long writes:
I went to your website and was amazed by what I found.. lots of profound information, but the music! As an intuitive, I’ve been receiving healing music for many years now, but the idea of a healing “frequency” is new to me, and I’m fascinated by it.
I listened to your song samples from your CD and was blown away by the power of the effects. I can’t even describe it all..
A deep response through the whole body, tickling and humming in the inner ear, a tingling over the skin, the sensation of energy moving through areas where I know shifts are taking place in my body..
It’s like some of the same sensations I get when I’m receiving a transmission.
I immediately made two of my (grown) kids lie down and listen with headphones on. Then I ordered your CD.
Thanks Brian, Cynthia Long
Laurene writes:
Hi Brian, Just wanted to send you a note to let you know that I listen to your space a lot, especially when it feels like I am going through energetic shifts and adjustments.
I also forward your link on to many people when they tell me they are feeling the weight of the world as well, and I hope it helps them like it has helped me.
Thanks from Calgary,
Laurene (Laws of Attraction)
Reiki Gal writes:
Beautiful Music. I will use your music during Reiki Sessions. Much peace, love & light…..Reiki Gal
Leland writes:
528 Hz has some interesting cymatic properties, however, A=432 Hz is definitely good for both guitar and body. Thank you for all the fine work you do
Leland Lehrman
Jenny writes:
Warm greetings Brian, It is an absolute pleasure to be in your circle of friends on Myspace. I love the music on your player, very peaceful and relaxing.
Wishing you peace and happiness in all things:-)
Mikael writes:
Thank you For a very interesting and educating website![]()
Mikael Gunnerås
Jo writes:
blessings for all your work ♥
Jo Cheryl